About The Historic Caravan Club

The Historic Caravan Club was formed on January 16th, 1993 by a group of Historic Caravan Enthusiasts at a meeting in Tetbury in Gloucestershire with the aim of maintaining close contact in order to promote the restoration, preservation, use and display of early historic caravans. Since then the club has grown quickly and become widely accepted as the reference point for anyone with an interest in the subject.

However, we still need to publicise the movement as much as possible as an increased public awareness will help in the location and rescue of rare examples of early caravans which may otherwise be left to rot or be destroyed due to lack of a home. It is not essential that new members are not owners as it is important that people join who are looking for a suitable caravan. This ensures that homes are waiting for those rare caravans which turn up with a time limit before they are destroyed.

If you feel you would like to be a part of this please go to our joining page where you will see our main range of activities.

The Main Aims Of The Club

  1. To encourage the rescue, restoration, display and use of trailer caravans up to 1970* vintage including the horse drawn ancestors of the touring caravan.
  2. To organise and participate in Rallies in order to promote the Movement and increase public awareness.
  3. To encourage Members to supply articles to interested magazines.
  4. To issue a six weekly News Sheet to communicate sales, wants, rally notices etc., to the membership.
  5. To periodically issue a printed magazine promoting Historic Caravanning, the Movement and it's members achievements.
  6. To afford Members such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange.
  7. To provide and collect Historical and Technical information in order to assist Members with Identification of caravans and in their restoration.
*was 1960, See revised Display Code page.